
Thiên Lý : The only beautiful love is the broken one

The only beautiful love is the broken one

Thousands of years passed by
Millions of loves are alright
But trillions of ones are broken, why?
The answer has the following meanings:
Because of non-observing
Because of non-understanding
Because of non-respecting …
That makes the mistake
Love likes a cake
If you let another person takes
You will lose it, in fact!
Now you say sorry
It’s a difficulty
As you have cut deeply
The valentine’s heart that gives
Could not stop the run
That the tears had gone
Deal with you again
Sorrow will have begun

Now you will regret
But the love will be rich
Forever it is your favourite …


Not everyone can do!


It’s him running to town everyday.

Where is he coming?

Is it interesting?

All the children that are his neighbours don’t know

Because they are not old.

They are too young to get the curiosity.

They eat all the aliment he brings back happily.

You will think that they are his children.

That’s the misunderstanding you have taken

As they are poor and hopeless.

They live in his village.

Can you divine where he takes the food?

Ha ha ha … It is good.

All your guess are wrong.

Please! Don’t, don’t, don’t.

Don’t get angry like that.

He never cares you are thinking of what.

The place is a restaurant.

In a small kitchen,

The edibles is classified from the stuffs in the remnants of the meals.

Now, I will not stop your anger if you will.

The comestibles itself has no meaning

But the man’s characteristic is everything.

And please keep quite to hear your soul murmuring!



The boy looked tired

Seeing a waitress and asked:

“Could I buy an ice-cream in stead of a cake?”

She replied that :” Of course!

Fifty cents it costs.

For the most fancy one.”

He counted the money at once.

“ What do you want?” She asked impatiently.

“ I would like to say sorry!

I just need the less fancy ice-cream”

Unhappy she seemed

But it was so keen the little man was

He left a fifteen cents tip to that girl

After paying thirty five cents for the … meal

And the waitress did not have a chance to say THANK YOU!


In time ( 29/12/2009)

In a tempestuous night

A woman was standing on the road side

And her car had broken down

She was wet because of signalling the passers by


She was in hurry

Her face looked sadly

A fair man stopped in the end

He called a mechanic and hailed her a taxi


She went away

Not forgot a thank to say,

An address of his to take down on a piece of paper

While the man waved farewell to her: bye bye …


One week latter

The man’s door was knocked by a courier

To his enormous surprise

A big colour TV package to be delivered:


“ Many thanks for helping me without any reasons

I was able to reach my dying husband

You are the god of my soul

Best wishes for you in all seasons” …

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