Sức Khỏe

TS Mai Thanh Tuyết :Những Sản Phẩm Độc Hại Trên Thị Trường made in China.

Lời dẫn nhập:
Cuộc đời là muôn mặt, hôm qua dứt khoát chống bạo quyền CSVN, mục tiêu chiến lược của người QG cần loại trừ hay giải thể chúng ra khỏi dòng sinh hoạt của dân tộc, rồi hôm nay những cá nhân kia vì một lý do riêng tư nào đó lại chệch hướng đi, trong đó có những vị đàn anh hay bậc thầy của tôi, tôi chán nản và thất vọng về họ, điều này đã muộn phiền nhiều trong tâm thức của nhiều người, trong đó có tôi. Tuy vậy, tôi an ủi lấy mình vẫn còn nhiều những vị đàn anh hay những bậc thầy vẫn xác quyết giữ vững lập trường, giữ vững niềm tin là không quỳ lụy xin thương lượng, hòa hợp, hòa giải, và rằng xu thế thời cuộc mà bạo quyền CS phải ra đi như các chế độ phi nhân độc đoán bên các xứ như Liên bang Sô Viết ngày xưa, Đông Đức, Ba Lan, Hung, Tiệp, Lỗ Ma Ni,… sẽ đến các xứ Tàu Cộng, Cu Ba, rồi Việt Nam do ác đảng CS chuyên chính bao năm qua đã gườm dân lành bằng súng đạn, bằng mã tấu, hay lưỡi lê ngồi xỗm trên đầu cổ nhân dân như hiện nay,…
Trong niềm tin như vậy, tôi xin cám ơn quý vị như TS Mai Thanh Truyết, Bình luận Gia Lý Đại Nguyên, GS Lưu Trung Khảo, GS Nguyễn Thanh Liêm, Nhạc sĩ Anh Bằng, Nhạc sĩ Lê Dinh, Nhạc sĩ Phan Đình Minh, GS Trần Minh Xuân, Bác sĩ Nguyễn Lương Tuyền (Canada), Tiến sĩ Nguyễn Văn Bon (Australia), Luật sư Trần Minh Nhựt, quý anh Đỗ Thái Nhiên, Huy Phương, Lý Văn Phước (DC), Nguyễn Liệu, Nguyễn Văn Tánh (New York),…. và các bạn ở thế hệ trẻ hơn như Bác sĩ Phạm Minh Hiển (Paris), Nhạc sĩ Cao Minh Hưng, Nhạc sĩ Phan Ni Tấn (Canada), Luật sư Nguyễn Xuân Nghĩa (râu), TS Lê Xuân Nhị, Cao Thái Hải, Chinh Nguyên, Lê Bình, Lê Tam Anh, Lưu Tấn Xuân,…. nhiều, còn nhiều người QG chưa ngã lòng, không chệch hướng đi,…. mà tôi chưa nêu hết tên ra ở đây…
Tôi xin cám ơn tất cả quý vị. Sau đây xin giới thiệu bài viết "Những sản phẩm độc hại trên thị trường hiện nay", do Tiến sĩ Mai Thanh Truyết biên soạn. Xin mời…

Subject: Nhung san pham doc hai tren thi truong hien nay – Ts. Mai Thanh Truyet.


                             TÁC PHẨM VÀ TÁC GIẢ

Ts. Mai Thanh Truyết giơ cao lá thư của Phó thủ tướng Cộng sản Hoàng Trung Hải gởi Phó Chủ tịch Cộng sản Nguyễn Thị Bình ngày 16 tháng 12 năm 2008. Trong buổi Hội Luận về hậu quả của việc khai thác Bauxite và âm mưu chiếm đóng Cao nguyên của Trung Cộng, được tổ chức tại phòng sinh hoạt Cộng đồng Việt Nam Bắc Cali ngày 02/5/2009 –
photo: Mỹ Lợi (VVV).


Những Sản Phẩm Độc Hại Trên Thị Trường.
WESTMINSTER – Sáng Thứ Bảy ngày 13-8-2011, gần 40 đồng hương Việt Nam đã đến Phòng Sinh Hoạt Mission Del Amo trong khu Mobile Home Park số 9702 Bolsa Ave, Westminster, để nghe Tiến Sĩ Mai Thanh Truyết nói về “Những Sản Phẩm Độc Hại Trên Thị Trường” do Hội Dưỡng Sinh Thức Pháp tổ chức.
Sau lời giới thiệu của Nghị Viên Tạ Đức Trí, TS. Mai Thanh Truyết cám ơn mọi người đã đến đây để nghe ông nói, không phải nói theo kiểu thuyết trình mà nói chuyện tâm tình vì hầu hết đều đã lớn tuổi, ông cho biết : “nếu mỗi người trong chúng ta biết tự chế, biết tự giữ sức khỏe cho mình thì chắc chắn chúng ta còn trẻ mãi, không già và chắc chắn sẽ có một ngày chúng ta về lại Việt Nam, mà về không phải trên nạng gỗ, về không phải trên xe lăn mà về ngang nhiên tự tại, vì dù muốn dù không cái ánh sáng cuối đường hầm ở Việt Nam đã hé dạng” và ông tin tưởng, lạc quan “chúng ta sẽ trở về trong vinh quang một ngày rất gần”.
TS. Mai Thanh Truyết nói tiếp: “Từ bao lâu nay chúng ta đã nghe nói nhiều đến sự độc hại trong các loại thực phẩm chế biến từ Trung Quốc, từ Việt Nam, nhưng chỉ ‘nghe nói’ mà không có dẫn chứng cụ thể; do đó hôm nay tôi muốn chia sẻ với mọi người về những thực phẩm nào cần ăn, thực phẩm nào không nên ăn so với tình hình hiện tại nơi chúng ta đang sinh sống, vì tôi đã và đang làm việc trong ngành bảo vệ môi trường của chính phủ Hoa Kỳ, tôi đã nghiên cứu và có những chứng cứ cụ thể”.
Trong buổi nói chuyện, TS. Mai Thanh Truyết không nêu tên bất cứ một ngôi chợ, một cửa hàng nào, ông nói “chỉ muốn nêu bật những loại thực phẩm độc hại, được chế biến một cách cẩu thả, vô ý thức với mục đích thâu lợi nhuận, không hề nghĩ đến sức khỏe của người tiêu thụ”; vì thế ông cảm thấy “có bổn phận phải báo động cho đồng hương để tránh dùng những thực phẩm độc hại đó, nhất là những thực phẩm chế biến, sản xuất từ Trung Quốc và Việt Nam, nay nhập cảng ồ ạt vào Hoa Kỳ”.
Về trái cây: TS. Truyết khuyên mọi người nên ăn hai loại trái cây trồng ngay tại Mỹ, vừa rẻ lại vừa nhiều chất dinh dưỡng cho sức khỏe con người là chuối và táo.
Nhiều loại trái cây khác như sầu riêng, chôm chôm, măng cụt, v.v., nếu chúng ta để ý sẽ thấy, ngày xưa, trái sầu riêng ở Việt Nam, khi chín tự động nó rụng xuống, không ai hái trái xanh bao giờ.
Ngày nay vì lợi nhuận, họ hái trái còn xanh và “phù phép bằng những hóa chất độc cho chín và có màu sắc rất đẹp”. Những trái cây khác cũng vậy, ông đưa ra dẫn chứng trái lê Tàu hay còn gọi là lê Tân Cương, nhìn như vừa hái trên cây xuống, đó là họ đã “phù phép cho giữ được độ tươi, thử hỏi trong quá trình từ lúc thu hoạch tới khi vận chuyển sang đây, thời gian không dưới một tháng, làm sao trái cây có thể tươi tốt được như vậy, nếu không có ướp hóa chất?”.
Rau, đậu: Chúng ta ăn rau thơm như rau răm, rau húng nếu trồng được trong vườn của mình, rau sẽ có mùi thơm, ngược lại mua ngoài chợ, ăn không thấy có mùi vị như rau trồng ở nhà, vì nó được bón bằng những hóa chất cho xanh, tốt.
Tương ớt: Những loại tương ớt bán ngoài chợ và trong các tiệm phở, nhà hàng đều có pha hóa chất nên có màu sắc khác lạ không phải màu của ớt chín.
Tiêu: Một sư cô từ Việt Nam đem sang cho ông khoảng 10 hột tiêu gọi là tiêu sọ. Khi đem phân chất, trong là hột tiêu, ngoài bọc một lớp mỏng xi măng cho nặng cân.
Các loại bột nêm: Không nên ăn, nhất là loại gia vị nấu bún bò Huế vì có pha hóa chất, khi nấu nó nổi lên lớp màu đỏ vàng trên mặt.
Đậu hũ:Có hai loại, loại cứng và loại mềm. Loại cứng có pha chất thạch cao.

Bì heo: Rất trắng và sợi rất dài vì không ai biết trong đó có phải là da heo hay là một chất gì khác, nhưng có thể có nhiều chất nylon và được tẩy hóa chất cho trắng vì da heo bình thường không có màu trắng như vậy.
Lạp xưởng: TS. Truyết cho biết, bà con mua loại lạp xưởng đắt tiền nhất cũng vậy, về nhà luộc lên rồi cắt đôi ra, tuột hai đầu ra sẽ thấy có hai bọc nylon. Loại nylon này không tự hủy như loại nylon mà Mỹ làm từ bắp dùng gói các loại xúc xích. Nhưng khi ăn lạp xưởng, chúng ta thái nhỏ thành ra không nhận thấy chất nylon mà thôi.
Đường: Bên Âu Châu, hầu hết đều dùng đường màu nâu vì làm bằng mía hoặc củ cải đường. Đường cát trắng cũng làm bằng mía nhưng được tẩy bằng hóa chất nhiều lần mới trắng như vậy.
Dầu ăn: Dầu Olive có độ sôi thấp dùng để trộn xà lách ăn sống thì tốt hơn. Chiên, xào nên dùng dầu ăn thực vật như dầu bắp chẳng hạn. Không ăn cá chiên ngoài chợ, vì dầu chiên đến một độ nóng nào đó hoặc để lâu các phân tử dầu sẽ biến chất và tạo ra các chất độc gây ung thư.Click on pic to buy Boycott K9 Killer design items

Tôm, cá: Tôm, cá từ Việt Nam “được nuôi bằng thực phẩm trộn hóa chất cho mau lớn. Sau khi thu hoạch và đóng gói chở sang đến Hoa Kỳ, thời gian rất lâu, nhưng khi ra chợ, chúng ta thấy tôm, cá mang nhãn hiệu Việt Nam rất tươi, vì sao chắc bà con biết rồi, nhưng biết mà tại sao vẫn mua?”
Ăn sushi, tiết canh: Tuyệt đối không nên ăn tiết canh, vì máu của các con thú như vịt, dê, heo, bồ câu, v.v… không ai biết được có chứa bao nhiêu vi khuẩn trong đó. Sushi của Nhật làm “thì ăn được an toàn, vì người Nhật họ rất kỹ lưỡng và có đầu óc tự trọng, không quá tệ như một số người Việt và Tàu”.
Và ông khuyên, “đừng bao giờ đổ dầu ăn xuống bồn rửa chén, vì mỗi lít dầu ăn đổ xuống, chính phủ Hoa Kỳ tốn 1.000 đô để làm công việc khử các chất dầu ấy trước khi cho chảy ra biển”.
Tóm lại, TS. Mai Thanh Truyết khuyên mọi người, sau khi đã nghe lời tâm tình của ông, “đừng nên mua thực phẩm do Trung Quốc và Việt Nam sản xuất, vì đó chính là những chất độc dẫn chúng ta đến bệnh ung thư và ra đi sớm”.
Ông khuyên người cao niên: “Chúng ta ở đây đều từ 50, 60, 70 tuổi rồi, ăn uống không bao nhiêu nên cố gắng tránh ăn những thứ độc hại để còn sống thêm một vài năm nữa, hầu trở về nhìn lại quê hương của chúng ta khi không còn chế độ cộng sản tàn bạo hiện nay”.
Ts. Mai Thanh Truyết


Red Alert! Boycott Made In China


Click on pic to buy these items
Boycott Made In China Products K9 Killers!


Rat Poison from China in Pet Food Kills Dogs/Cats in America!

Alert! Rat poison has been found in pet food which have ingredients made in China. Please watch this video and check your dog and cat food and remove any of the recalled brand named products.


The usage of insecticides, herbicides and other poisonous chemical substances is not regulated in communist China. Nor is the ingredience of pet food regulated by the FDA. Hence there is great danger that our cats and dogs are being poisoned by food that contains not only rat poison but other toxins and carcenogines. This may explain why lymphoa cases in dog and cats have been on the rise.

Please, join the boycott of all products made in China, especially products made with animal fur and canine by-products! Urge that legislation be adopted which will safe guard our dogs and cats from tainted products made in China. Unless this is done now, more dogs and cats will probably die in the future because of this problem.

This is a vital issue for all pet owners. We should be making pet food using products that are EQUALLY SAFE FOR BOTH PETS AND HUMANS! What if a baby accidently eats some pet food contaminated with rat poison or other harmful chemical agents? It is simply not acceptable to be permitting pet food to be made using unsafe products made in China. This is a classic example of how big corporations have moved their production to China to avoid regulated industries and exploit people and their pets in the process. It needs to stop!

This requires that all pet owners join the general boycott of products made in China! Contaminated pet foods have already killed many cats and dogs in America. How many more innocent pets must die before Americans will stand up to big corporations and say STOP THE KILLING! Please consider this issue seriously and boycott China!


Dogs Slaughtered in China!


Click on pic to buy these items
Boycott Made In China K9 Killers!

The heartless beating to death of over 50,000 dogs in Red China between July 26-30, 2006 represents one of the most inhumane acts and cruelty toward animals and their owners commited by a communist government in history! This barbaric act should not go unpunished. I call upon everyone who learns of this and is a canine lover to boycott all products made in China for the duration of their life times — or until the communist government is ousted from power in Red China!


Click on pic to buy Boycott K9 Killer design itemsFig. 1 Officials employed by the Red Chinese communist government went door to door confiscating dogs, then beat the dogs to death upon the street, often in front of their owners, in southwest China’s Yunnan province. The killing spree began on July 26, 2006 and the slughtering of beloved pets went on for five days until over 50,000 dogs were savagely killed! Photo Courtesy of EyePress/AP

To promote the boycott of made in China products, I have created a series of Boycott K9 Killer design items. All procedes will be used to raise awareness and encourage everyone to boycott made in Red China goods.

I urge everyone to also begin to purge themselves of any products made in Red China. If you have cloths or other items made in Red China burn them! Gather together with friends and make a public burning and destroy all made in Red China goods. Replace them with Made In America products.


Click on pic to buy Boycott K9 Killer design items

Fig. 2 After dogs were torn from their owners and savagely beat to death in front of men, women and children who weeped and pleded for their pet’s lives, their battered bodies with broken bones and skulls were thrown into trucks, the flesh to be processed for eating and the fur to be harvested for usage in commerce. Photo Courtesy of EyePress/AP

We must show outrage for the way the Red Chinese government treats dogs. There is no reason nor excuse for beating 50,000 dogs to death. This is not how you prevent rabies which can be transmitted by many wild animals.

Visit these sites to get your Boycott K9 Killer items today and join the movement to oust the Red Chinese government today!


Click on pic to buy these items
Boycott K9 Killers!


Boycott K9 Killers Commie Red
Boycott K9 Killers Skyblue
Boycott K9 Killers Sinful Cyan
Boycott the Games 2008 Flag
Boycott the Games 2008 Flag First Edition


Bumper Sticker Size Designs

Join the movement! Boycott Made In China products to protest the killing of 50,000+ dogs by communist government officials! Put these bumper sticker designs on you automobile or truck. Display these items everywhere! Do not stop until the communist goverments is ousted!!!


Click on pic to buy these items

Boycott Made In China Products K9 Killers!


Click on pic to buy these items
Protest cruelty to animals and inhumanity to people by urging everyone to boycott Red China


Boycott Red China Flag Design
Boycott Red China K9 Killers Flag Design
Boycott Made In China K9 Killers Flag Design
Boycott Red China They Eat Dogs
Boycott Red China Dog Genocide Flag Design
Boycott Red China Buy Made in USA Flag Design
7/29/2006 – 50,000+ Dogs Killed In China Flag Design


Click on pic to buy these items
Take a stand by encouraging everyone to boycott the Olympics to be held in Beijing during the summer of 2008!

Boycott the Games 2008
Boycott the Games 2008 – White Font


Other political actions you may take


  1. Letter writing campaigns. Writing a letter to the editor of major newspapers and media can help enlighten and inform readers. Your letter can be easily submitted to hundreds of newspapers. Just write a 250 word letter with a link to this site at www.byteland.org/boycottchina and send your letter via email to hundreds of newspapers. You can generate your own email list of newspapers/editors using the service at the Media Awareness Project. Use the MAP email search directory and do a two letter search for your state as FL, TX, CA, NY or IL. This will generate an email list that you can cut/paste and save as a text file. Then you can use this email list in your address book of groups to send your letter to the editor. Other good searches are for names of newspapers such as SUN, POST, TRIBUNE, DAILY, CHRONICLE, HERALD, ADVERTISER, ADVOCATE, JOURNAL, GUARDIAN, VOICE or NEWS. Be sure to include your real name, home address and phone number as many newspapers will want to varify that you are the author and give you notice that they will print your letter. The MAP site also has very good information that can help you to write better editorial letters. Remember to include a link to the Boycott Made in China site at www.byteland.org/boycottchina so that people will be able to visit this link, see photographs of dogs being killed, research the topic and become better educated. Over time this will have a great effect as each letter on this issue that is published will reach tens of thousands of people. In this way over time more people may become active and help promote the effort to boycott China in protest of the inhumane killing of dogs and how this practice terrorizes pet owners. Note: when using MAP to generate email list you may need to edit the resulting list to add a comma between each entry before droping it into the "send" or "groups" section of your email server or address book. Also some ISP like AOL may only permit sending 25 emails per letter, and may flag your account if you try sending too many emails at once. This is done to avoid spam and/or for other security reasons. You should contact your ISP to be sure there is no limit placed upon the number of emails you can send or to check to see if there are limits. Also some newspapers will only publish letters that are sent exclusively to them, in which case you may wish to vary your letter and submit it as an exclusive to only a single newspaper.

    You can also contact members of the Senate or locate your representative in Congress and address a letter to them such that they become aware of how dogs are being killed by the tens of thousands in China. You may wish to encourage them to support legislation that imposes: (1) trade sanctions against China (2) a general boycott of products made in China (3) prohibits import of canine by-products (4) prohibits import of any products with dog meat and (5) urges that they support the over throw of the corrupt communist government in China and a policy which does not negotiate or do business with corrupt government officials who have a record of participating in the killing of dogs for profit.


  2. Refuse to go to the Olympics in China in 2008 and withdraw all support of the 2008 Olympics games in Red China.


  3. Write the Chinese Embassy in Washington, DC or London and express your outrage over the killing of over 50,000 dogs by order of communist government officials! Let them know that you plan to boycott products made in China and that you will encourage your family, friends and associates to do the same. Read and remember, Boycotts Do Work! How to effectively protest the killing of dogs in China. This article has the address and phone numbers of the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C.


  4. Write you Congressman and call for a boycott of all products made in Red China.


  5. Refuse to buy any products knowingly made in China.


  6. Stop shopping at Wal-Mart which buys a majority of goods made in China.


  7. Write the US Olympics committee and urge that the United States teams withdraw from participation in the 2008 games in Red China. Get Boycott the Games 2008 items and help promote a boycott of the 2008 games in Beijing, China.


  8. Destroy all products in your home that were made in China and replace them with products made in the United States. This will also boost the American economy.


  9. Hold public meetings, ralleys and gatherings and burn, bash and destroy products made in China.


  10. Start Internet sites promoting the Boycott K9 Killers movement and linking to the home page of the Boycott K9 Killers movement at www.byteland.org/boycottchina/index.html


  11. Buy Boycott K9 Killers movement merchandise to help promote awareness and fund this project.


  12. Support this project to protest the killing of dogs in Red China by communist government officials. Please take a stand and help raise $10 million to fund the Boycott K9 Killers movement and other humanitarian projects.


  13. Distribute copy of this annoucement via email to everyone you know, especially dog lovers!


  14. Read Dog Is God Spelled Backwards and share this link with all your friends and associates


  15. Post a FREE ANNOUNCEMENT about the international movement to boycott products made in China upon your web site, home page or other Internet site. You may freely copy this page and code and repost the image and HTML code on your site.


  16. Help sound the alarm. Issue RED ALERTS to your friends, associates and dog lovers everywhere. These free announcements may be cut/paste into email, posted on forums, in blogs, newsgroups or anywhere else upon the Internet. All dog lovers are askes to help post RED ALERTS. Plus you can write your own RED ALERTS and link to this site at http://www.byteland.org/boycottchina/index.html.


  17. Distribute FREE ADS. You may cut/paste selected FREE ADS into email, newsgroups, blog comments, classified spaces on the Internet or anywhere else that permits advertising. The more people who help distrubute FREE ADS than the faster the word will spread to sound the alarm. Dog killing in China is not going to stop unless millions join the protest around the world. You can help by distributing Free ADS.


  18. Petition to Boycott Products Made In Red China Everyone who supports this effort is asked to print out and circulate the Petition to Boycott Products Made In Red China in protest of the brutal killing of tens of thousands dogs for profit by corrupt communist government officials. After getting as many signatures as you can you should make a duplicate Xerox copy of the petition and send it to members of Congress urging that they adopt legislation to: (1) Prohibit trade in canine by-products (2) Boycott goods made in Red China (3) Make it illegal to eat dog meat in America and/or rear and kill dogs for their meat and (4) not to negotiate with communist government officials who participate in the killing of dogs for profit; but rather, to vocally and strongly advocate the overthrow of the corrupt communist government.


  19. Print out and distribute Stop Canine Genocide a press release by Terry Lynch which reveals the true reason behind the killing of thousands of dogs in China. Give copy of this press release to all media including newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations and Internet site publishers. Also send copies to your state and US congressional representative asking that they take action to pass new trade laws which prohibit trade with China. A text version of this document is available at Stop Canine Genocide (Text Copy)


  20. Read Lucky to be an American Dog. Forward this to members of Congress, local media, newspapers and all dog lovers.


  21. Read Boycott China Campaign and join the movement to oust the communist government in Red China.


  22. Download Yahoo IM or other programs that give access to chatrooms and cut/copy/paste messages in China and other chatrooms, forums or newsgroups. This is a great way to reach people in China and other nations and urge them to participate in the Boycott China Campaign. You can write your own message to drop into chatrooms, newsrooms or other on-line forums. Or you can copy/paste the messages below and drop them into any chat room, forum or newsgroup:

    Visit Boycott China at http://www.byteland.org/boycottchina/index.html and help end the senseless killing of dogs in China.

    Stop the brutal killing of dogs in China. Please visit http://www.byteland.org/boycottchina/index.html to learn how you can help.

    Visit http://www.byteland.org/boycottchina/index.html and learn how you can help stop cruelty to animals in China.


  23. Write letters to major corporations which do business in China and urge that they stop carrying all products which contain animal fur or canine byproducts.


  24. Start a boycott china forum and encourage discussion and debate related to Red China, its terrible human rights record and cruelty to animals.


  25. Update Wikipedia to advocate that people stop eating dogs! Advocates for eating dog meat are using the on-line Wikipedia to promote and justify the eating of dog meat based upon such illogical reasoning as the fact that dogs have been slaughtered and used for food for thousands of years and that millions of dogs are regularly killed for their meat annualy in a number of countries, as if the practice itself by a particular culture justifies the practice (a form of illocial, circular reasoning). People have also been killed and murdered for thousands of years, but this does not make killing people moral or justifiable! Efforts to update the Wikipedia to express an alternative point of view have resulted in censorship. Everyone who loves dogs and does not believe that the Wikipedia should be used to promote the eating of dog meat are asked to please help visit the dog meat post and add the following codes:


    In 2006 corrupt communist government officials ordered the killing of tens of thousands of dogs under the false pretense that this would be effective in the control of rabies, taking pet dogs from the homes of owners and bludgeoning them to death, marketing the canine by-products for huge profits. This has resulted in the call for an international boycott of products made in china (http://www.byteland.org/boycottchina/index.html).

    Modern Trends

    ==Modern Trends==
    * Boycott Made In China K9 Killers at http://www.byteland.org/boycottchina/index.html to protest the killing of hundreds of thousands of dogs by corrupt communist Chinese officials who are profiting directly by the brutal bludgenoning to death of dogs often in front of owners, then using the harvest to produce commercial dog by-products for profit, lying to the public through a clever propaganda campaign based upon rabies scare. Project K9 (http://www.byteland.org/projectk9/index.html) founder and animal rights advocate Terry Lynch (terrylynch@aol.com) has called for an international boycott of all products made in Red China to protest the canine genocide for profit and the eventual overthrow of the communist government that is using the killing of pet dogs to enrich their coffers and maintain power and control over helpless people.


    ==External links==
    * [http://www.byteland.org/boycottchina/index.html Boycott Made In China ] Protest for profit killing of tens of thousands of canines in Red China by corrupt communist government officials.
    * [http://sirius.2kat.net Sirius Global Animal Organisation] UN recognised charity campaigning to end the use of dogs for meat.
    * [http://www.flickr.com/photos/loupiote/sets/1652923/ Cruelty to Animals in Vietnam. A Graphic series of photos showing Vietnamese preparation of dog carcass for consumption]





Click on pic to buy these items
Boycott Made In China K9 Killers!

You may find more great Boycott Made In China K9 Killer designs at these sites:


Boycott Made In China Blue Dog
Boycott Made In China Skyblue
Boycott Made In China Exotic Jade
Boycott Made In China Mystic Red
Boycott Made In China Deep Violet


Click on pic to buy these items
Boycott Made In China Save Dogs!

This design features an all seeing dog, a black German Shepherds. The design comes in a number of variations. The all seeing dog has reported that corrupt communist government officials are using the rabies scare in China as an excuse to kill thousands of dogs from which they profit greatly, given the furs and meat are marketed. Also this serves to terrorize the people who use dogs as companions and to guard their homes and property. So by killing the dogs the corrupt communist government officials not only make great monitary profit, they strike fear and terror into the hearts of the people. This also teaches the dog killers to more easily follow orders that they can kill people without any remorse or conscience.

Please help raise awarness and save the dogs that are being massacred in China that greedy communist government officials may profit!


Anti-Commie Designs

Instead of letting up corrupt communist government officials are increasing the killing of dogs! This is being done for profit to the tune of millions of dollars using as propaganda the rabies scare and marketing fur, skins and bone byproducts! This demands a strong response from the free world and equally strong display of anti-communist regime designs.


Click on pic to buy these items
Kill the Commies Not the Canines!

This design features golden canine paws superinmposed over the Red Chinese communist flag with the slogan "Kill the Commies Not the Canines! The dogs being killed and their corpses processed and marketed for profit can not speak for themselves. But you can be sure that if they could they would call for the killing of those corrupt communist officials who are exterminating them and using the rabies scare to justify their canine genocide!


Click on pic to buy these items
Kill the Commies Not the Dogs!

This design features golden canine paws superimposed over the Red Chinese communist flag symbolic of the fact that dogs are of higher value that is the doctrine of communism which does not value individual human life any more than it does the lives of canines! Please buy and display these items to help raise awarness!


Click on pic to buy these items
Stomp Out K9 Killers!

Let’s take action and stomp out the K9 Killers in communist China! This is a brutal regime of corrupt officials from the top on down! These are not people that can be delt with as they do not value individual life and are lying through their teeth while they kill tens of thousands of dogs for profit, putting out propaganda to make the rest of the world think this is done to control rabies which is an utter lie! Stomp out the K9 Killers before they start killing people next!


Click on pic to buy these items
Boycott China K9 Killers!

This design features "Boycott China K9 Killers" superimposed over the Red Chinese communist flag and calls for a boycott of China, the K9 Killers! Also featured is a link to this site to help raise awareness, educate and inform the general public, that they may come to this site for tools, resources and information, that thru empowerment of the people there may be enlightenment and the world may cry out to stop the killing of dogs in China for profit!




Please take a moment to learn more about this critical issue. The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) and ASPCA have published position papers stating that culling of dogs is NOT an effective way to control rabies; that the most effective way to control rabies is a vaccination program. Their position on the killing of 50,000 dogs in Mouding county in Yunnan province in southwestern China is:


    "The indiscriminate killing of tens of thousands of dogs is as ineffective as it is cruel. Rabies experts from the WHO have concluded that: �Dog destruction alone is not effective in rabies control.�

    Even worse, the BBC reports 4,000 of the dogs killed were vaccinated against rabies. This type of reactionary response will undermine community participation in any future vaccination campaign the government may undertake.

    According to BBC reports, some dogs were taken from their owners and beaten to death in front of them while others were electrocuted or poisoned by their owners, to avoid a similar fate.

    WSPA calls for an end to the cruel and ineffective mass killing of dogs as a reaction to human rabies outbreaks. Instead, successful models of rabies reduction and elimination should be followed."

Also anonymous sources inside China say that communist government officials are planning more mass exterminations of dogs and that as many as 500,000 dogs may be killed in the future. This in not an unprecidented event. In December 2003 over 170,000 dogs were killed! According to Brakke Consulting’s Animal Health News:


    "Authorities in southern China’s Guangdong province have euthanized 170,000 dogs following a rise in rabies infections in several cities.  The number of rabies infections in Guangdong jumped from 12 cases in 1996 to 115 cases through August of 2003. The province’s departments of health, agriculture, public security and industry and commerce ordered that all unregistered or unvaccinated dogs in areas reporting rabies must be killed."

We now know that when such reports go out patrols armed with clubs go about beating all dogs to death regardless of their vaccination status; that dogs are killed in front of their owners and that the dogs thus killed are probably processed for their fur and meat which is eatten in China. Therefore it is highly likely that corrupt communist government officials get kick backs and profit from ordering the culling of mass numbers of dogs, using rabies as an excuse, when certainly they know that culling is NOT an effective control measure for rabies!

If you did not read the initial reports about the killing of 50,000 dogs in China see:


CHINA – 50,000 dogs killed to fight rabies


China dog cull brings heartbreak: CNN Report


China Slaughters 50,000 Dogs CBS/AP Report

China has long been known for its abusive treatment of dogs. North Korea is another nation known to abuse dogs. Everyone is urged to learn about this issue and boycott products made in China in protest of the terrible way dogs are being abused!

You may wish to explore this matter further at these sites:


China and Dogs via Google

China and dogs via Yahoo

China and animal abuse

Sirius Global Animal Organisation UN recognised charity campaigning to end the use of dogs for meat

Cruelty to Animals In Vietnam Graphic series of photos showing Vietnamese preparation of dog carcass for consumption


NSPCA Joins Call For Boycott

NSPCA joins call for boycott of all products made in China August 4, 2005 the NSPCA issued call for international boycott of made in China products while sources say over 500,000 dogs may soon be killed, ten time the 50,000 killed in a five-day massacure in Mouding county in Yunnan province in southwestern China. This should sound the alarm that dog cullings are being done for profit by corrupt communist government officials!

    "The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA) is calling upon the public to boycott all goods manufactured in China.

    This comes in the wake of the killing of more than 50 000 dogs in the Mouding area of south-west China, over a five-day period, as part of a rabies crackdown campaign.

    Another city Jining announced it too would kill all dogs within 5km of areas where rabies was found. The city has about 500 000 dogs."



Corrupt Officials Order Media Blackout of Future Dog Cullings!

500,000 dogs ordered killed in media blackout! Communist government officials have ordered the killing of 500,000 more dogs, ten times the number already killed in late July of 2006! After the public outrage at the killings in Yunnan, officials in eastern Jining have ordered a media blackout on the cull, giving permission only to one local newspaper to send its reporters to write about the slaughter.

It is vital that all dog lovers immediately join in the international boycott of all products made in China! Please support this project to raise awareness and stop this abuse of canine companions. The fact that corrupt government officials have ordered a media blackout of future dog cullings shows our efforts are working. Please help raise awareness and shine a light upon this corruption. Let everyone know what is happening and call for an end to all trade with China!

China has a long history and black-market that involves killing dogs and the trade in canine byproducts. A media blackout obviously was established to cover-up what is happening. In Red China large profits are made from dealing in canine fur, skins and byproducts; this is a fact, not conjecture! Unless the rest of the free world speaks out against this carnage it will likely continue with an increased number of dogs being killed to provide fur, skins and other canine byproducts, many of which will end up on products in Wal-mart, Macy’s and perhaps even as stuffed animals or handbags sold at Disney World!


The Rest of the Story: Video Records

Warning! These videos related to dog and cat killing in China which is associated with the fur trade and the fact animals skinned alive and tortured are cooked and consumed by the Chinese are very graphic, disturbing and shocking to watch! However, those who endeavored to produce these videos have done a good job to tell the rest of the story, to show what is happening in China to man’s best friend. Please watch these videos and then consider taking action to boycott China! At the very least put a bumper sticker upon your car or wear a T-shirt to make others aware of the cruelty which is being done to dogs, cats and other animals in China.


Click on GONE VIRAL to view video Protest song with graphic video of dog kills in China


Click on GONE VIRAL to view video PETA China Dog and Cat fur trade. Trent Reznor narrates a Peta video on China’s cat and dog fur trade


Click on GONE VIRAL to view video Dog and cat killing fields in China


Click on GONE VIRAL to view video A Social History of the dog in China: a documentary


Click on GONE VIRAL to view video PETA: Chinese Killers!!! Cats and dogs being killed brutally for their furs


Associate Links


Lucky to be an American Dog | Oust Commies | Stop Canine Genocide | Dog Is God Spelled Backwards | Boycott Red China Campaign | Let the Games Boycott Begin | Boycott China Gallery | Boycott the Games 2008 Gallery | Boycotts Do Work | Byteland | Project K9 | Angel of Life Foundeation | Pyrotechnic Pen | Save My Home | ERA: Elder Rights Association | Lt. Col. Leonard P. Lynch | La Faye S. Lynch | Honor Thy Parents | Dementia: A family in crisis | A Mother’s Honor | Byteland Art Gallery | TOPPICS Awesome Designer Gifts | Open Your Own Elder Care Emporium | Support the ERA | Contact
Boycott Made In China K9 Killers Mystic Red
Boycott Made In China K9 Killers Skyblue
Boycott Made In China K9 Killers Exotic Jade
Boycott Made In China K9 Killers Commie Red


Red China bludgeoned 50,000 precious dogs to death! This demands an international boycott!