voices to voices, lips to lips

Thảo luận trong 'Thơ' bắt đầu bởi Wissai, Thg 1 23, 2013.

  1. Wissai

    Wissai New Member

    Tham gia ngày:
    Thg 4 16, 2012
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:
    voices to voices, lip to lip
    i swear (to noone everyone) constitutes
    undying; or whatever this and that petal confutes...
    to exist being a peculiar form of sleep

    what's beyond logic happens beneath will;
    nor can these moments be translated: i say
    that even after April
    by God there is no excuse for May

    ___bring forth your flowers and machinery: sculpture and prose
    flowers guess and miss
    machinery is the more accurate, yes
    it delivers the goods, Heaven knows

    (yet are we mindful, though not as yet awake,
    of ourselves which shout and cling, being
    for a little while and which easily break
    in spite of the best overseeing)

    i mean that the blond absence of any program
    except last and always and first to live
    makes unimportant what i and you believe;
    not for philosophy does this rose give a damn...

    bring on your fireworks, which are a mixed 
    splendor of piston and pistil; very well
    provided an instant may be fixed
    so that it will not rub, like any other pastel.

    (While you and i have lips and voices which
    are for kissing and to sing with
    who cares if some oneeyed son of a bitch
    invents an instrument to measure Spring with?

    each dream nascitur, is not made...)
    why then to Hell with that: the other, this,
    since the thing perhaps is
    to eat flowers and not to be afraid.

    e. e. cummings

    voices to voices, lips to lips

                         with  heavy homage to e.e. cummings

    voices to voices, lips to lips
    i swear to you and to everyone else
    that they make up the undying
    of this sentiment that refuses to sleep

    what's beyond logic can only be magic
    in this moment that even God
    cannot compete 
    i bring you no flowers but only
    scuplture of my words
    if you close your eyes
    you'll miss their kiss

    voices and lips are more than just for songs and kisses
    who cares if some sons of bitches
    insist that Spring be the opening
    of hearts and smiles

    i am not afraid to dream that and this
    nor am i afraid to fly

    August 21, 2012

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