Cánh Chim Trời

Thảo luận trong 'Thơ' bắt đầu bởi Wissai, Thg 1 23, 2013.

  1. Wissai

    Wissai New Member

    Tham gia ngày:
    Thg 4 16, 2012
    Bài viết:
    Đã được thích:
    Điểm thành tích:

     A challenge was flung at my feet: "Do you dare to translate several poems written by Tuệ Sỹ?". My reply was something to the effect that it wasn't so much meeting the challenge as whether I found the poems worthy of the inspiration. 

    Just as poetry is much more than rhyme, translation is much more than rendition of thoughts in another language. Translation, especially poetry translation, must be first and foremost a labor of love, inspired and bowled over by the original's beauty. Thus, poetry translation, on love impulse, often is better and unforced than that done by requests or crass motivations of recognition and money. Having said that, Tuệ Sỹ's poetry, at least those poems sent to my attention, was "surrealistic" and sounding very "contemporary", meaning it was obscure and personal. Thus, I was not sure if I completely understood the poet's intention. I don't even know if the poet is still alive. I only know he was a friend and contemporary of Pham Công Thiện. who died a few years ago. I apologize if I misunderstood what he meant by his words. 

    I translated the poem quickly. It took me less than half an hour. 

    December 29, 2012

     Tuệ Sỹ

    Một ước hẹn đã chôn vùi tang tóc
    Cánh chim trời xa mãi giữa lòng sâu
    Nghe một nỗi hao mòn trong thoáng chốc
    Một mùa thu một vạn tiếng kêu gào
    Khuya còn lạnh sương mù và gió lốc
    Thở hơi dài cát bụi cuốn chiêm bao.
    Bên cửa sổ bên kia đồi sao mọc
    Một lần đi là vĩnh viễn con tàu
    Đi để nhớ những chiều pha tóc trắng
    Mắt lưng chừng trông giọt máu phiêu lưu.

    A promise buried away a mourning
    The bird kept flying in unending longing
    In an instant echoed the corrosive soul
    A thousand of cries rose up in a single season of fall 
    Fog and gusty winds persisted throughout the cold night
    Driving away the dreams into the path of a dusty and sandy long sigh
    Through the window stars were coming up on the other side of the hill
    Once departed, the ship never kept still
    To leave was to remember the silver hair blending in the afternoon
    The eyes lingered on the drop of blood's venturesome swoon

    "Translated" by Wissai/NKBa'
    December 29, 2012

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